Welcome to my dream world. Here I will be sharing my dreams, my nightmares, my ambitons, my philisophies...... everything. So welcome to a thrilling and a topsy turvy ride through utopia!!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What will be, will be!!!!

Well, well, well......we do have another post (a 21 gun salute here..... !!)

I have been meaning to write something (anything) for a long time now. Just couldn't fix my mind on any one thing. Should it be humorous, logical, philosophical or just plain ramblings.

Well as you see so far, I chose for the last option. And as I sit today at the computer, prepared for another sleepless night before the "big" lab meeting presentation, I am wondering how life would have been had I not taken that decision about 4.5 years back. What would it feel like not living in 3 week slots (sometimes 4-5 weeks), lab meeting presentation to lab meeting presentation.

Would I still be in grad school? Would I have left? or Would I be a professor somewhere by now? Or turning it around, would I be in a "good" situation as everyone thinks I am, would I have met her?

I guess there are a lot of things that could have happened, good/bad I wouldn't know. But still....it is food for thought as I am at the edge of another cross-roads in life.

Whatever happens, life is going to change again in the next 6-8 months. Graduation, Job, Visa, Marriage and each with its own ponderables. I just do what I do best, shrug my shoulders and take it on the chin, "what will be, will be" :-D


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